Where your community’s best ideas become your new revenue stream

Monetize your content with
viewer funded ideas

complementary to all your channels

not influenced by algorithms

full platform independence

Partnered creators keep 90% of all money from opportunities – fair and transparent monetization is our mission!

Your time efficient source of new ideas

get the most valuable data -

content your fans want to see

no additional maintenance

YouCould is different: not another platform you have to maintain. 15 minutes per week is all it takes to scan and care for your content requests. You retain full flexibility on what to do and where to upload your content.

Engage with your audience


fulfilling their greatest content wishes

YouCould automatically funnels your audiences’ feedback and desires into a steady stream of new content ideas.
Challenge you audience to fun and interactive contests with YouCould and make them feel heard.

YouCould GmbH

Engelblecker Str. 140a+b
41066 Mönchengladbach